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Information on your Association

Published: September 21, 2021

When you have a question, it is normally not at a convenient time. I normally get great questions, at 3 am. The Board at Mustang Park is trying to help with that. They have developed a Document, that will help you with those questions that you have, hopefully not at 3 am, with Answers.

The Homeowner Guidance document is located in the Homeowner Documents Section, and answers all sorts of questions. Everything from Fire Extinguisher Locations at the Clubhouse to playground maintenance, to information on the stain to use on your fence or garage.

This document is currently posted for comment by owners, to see if there is anything that has been missed.

If so, you can email Dale@Legacysouthwestpm.com, and we will get that included in the document.

The goal is to have everything that an owner would need in one document.

Thank you.

Mustang Park HOA

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